Thursday, November 12, 2009

Getting Orgamanised.....

Orgamanised is one thing I'm not (yes it's another word I've made up LOL) I've joined flylady and am getting the emails - I've told myself that I'm receiving emails to get the routine and will start it next week :P Ahhh pathetic hey ROFL basically it seems to revolve around polishing your kitchen sink - I think I can manage that - once it's emptied hahaha

But the big orgamanising today is this laptop - All my things from my other computer have been "sucked" over and now I have to sort, trash and re-position everything... going to be a looong day going through thousands of photo's in particular LOL It seems every program I go into for my piccies saves the om,ages so I've about 4-5 copies of each image hahaha.. ahhhh lots of trash at the end of the day being deleted ;) i can also re-add my downloaded presets back to lightroom, which means I can get the piccies I've taken the last few days processed ;)

Oooh another thing I want to get done today if time will allow is to blog about Dom and Kahli's birthdays - I was really slack in October and missed them being blogged - especially Dommy's first birthday <3 it's a must do ;)

Just have to say, I currently have Kerrianne on the box waiting for Lee Kernaghan to come on and I think the quality of their infomercials have got worse - OMG sooo pathetic and obviously read Hahahaha like I would believe some of the stuff they're trying to offload - must be hard times for them to get decent product advertisements LOL

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