Ok, I've come to a conclusion - it's probably totally off centre and incorrect but for now it's my conclusion and I'm going to be true to it (until it doesn't work or reality sinks in LOL) My conclusion is that I must stay true to me. In my photography that is...

I had professionals tell me that my work wasn't as good as theirs, it needed different structure etc etc... I'm dismissing that - My work is MY WORK!! My style I've concluded is just that - my style, it is different to the work these other people produce. Why was I expecting them to think that my work would be the same as theirs??? Ultimately I don't want it to be like theirs - because it's mine!! My style and why the heck should I change just to be another clone??

Ok not stating that these people that looked at my work are clones, but my feeling is that I'm not in for studio work at the moment or similar images, I love colour, I love art., I love antiquity, I love soft images as well as sharp images... Why shouldn't I have the luxury of photographing people and turning their images into art if that is what they want as well?? After all it is these art images that people have been asking about and apparently falling in love with.

This makes me unique, it makes my photography unique and it makes my business unique and different and in a league of it's own. I'm not the average professional who just takes crisp, clear accurate images, I make things with my work that makes me happy, it makes my clients happy (well so far at least) and gives me a different angle, a different approach and hopefully my little niche in the over saturated world of photographers here in Tassie at the moment....

Soooo - I'm going to stay true to myself, embrace my individuality and use it - I offer something I've not seen anyone else offer locally (actually not offered before - am I really that unique?? LOL I think not hehe) I'm going to love the fact that I have something different to offer and use it to get my own piece of the market!!! Ok now I've got my false sense of bravado, I have to find a way to keep this positivity up and get cracking and start building my business and keep it going!!!!

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