Friday, October 23, 2009

I am Thankful.....

~ I originally posted this in my facebook "notes" Sept 2nd 2009~

I'm thankful for feeling my babies burning skin - for it means I can feel and work out he's sick...

I'm thankful for Dom spitting panadol back out at me at 5am - for it means that we have access to medications...

I'm thankful for having a rental inspection tomorrow - for it means we have shelter from the cold...

I'm thankful for the carpet cleaner coming this morning - for it means that we have finances to pay him and keep someone locally employed...

I'm thankful for the car in for repairs at the mechanics this morning - for it means we have transport...

I'm thankful for squeezing in a doctors appointment - for it means we are in a country that has facilities prompt medical treatment

I'm thankful for going to Devonport this afternoon - for it means I have family and friends who want to see me

I'm thankful for everything happening at once - for it means the big guy upstairs must think I can handle it all.... I wish I had the same faith in myself!!!!


1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hi Katrina! love your little blog :) I'm Bec from Blog This and would love to feature you for our "new member monday" feature! what do you think? if you're keen, email me at becehem {at] gmail (dot} com
have a fab day!