Monday, August 5, 2013

A new week, a new list...

I'm a list maker.  Always have been and always will.  It doesn't mean I cross everything off my lists but without a list I kinda lose my train of thought rather easily... You could call it being very learned in the art of procrastination ;)

So a new week has begun and it's time to start a new list on what is happening... 

Week Beginning August 5, 2013

  • Cleaning
  • Washing
  • Baking school recesses that I missed on the weekend
  • Preserving aging fruit and veg (jams, sauces and/or dehydrating) 
  • Menu planning
  • Wash Aerynn's Nappies
  • Dommy at school
  • Toby's 4 month check at the Dr
  • Final shopping before Aerynns birthday
  • Kids Hockey and Netball Training
  • Wash Toby's Nappies
  • Dommy's half day at school
  • Baking cake for Aerynns birthday dinner
  • Final sewing of Aerynns birthday present (nappy bag for her doll and some bed blankets and nappies for her doll) 
  • Wrapping birthday presents
  • Clean out fridge ready for weekly shop
  • Kahli - Scouts
  • Wash Aerynn's Nappies 
  • Dommy full day at school
  • Weekly shop
  • Wash Toby's Nappies 
  • Market Preparation
  • Wash Aerynn's Nappies 
  • Kids sports + Aerynn's Calisthenics (although not attending due to being unwell/quarantine still)
  • Outdoor clean-up (weather permitting)
  • Veggie Garden preparation for Spring :) 
  • Strip beds and washing
  • Picking up new sewing desk in town
  • Possibly getting to the local market and there's a church with an annual fair on in town
  • Wash Toby's Nappies 
  • BAKE DAY!!!  
  • Wash Aerynn's Nappies 

In and around everything I have market preparation, trying to get as much of Aerynn's afghan for her birthday completed (no way it will be done by her birthday unfortunately) nursing Aerynn through still being unwell and of course daily grind stuff like general cleaning, meal preparation and kids routines to work around.  And no doubt I've missed or forgotten something altogether and will be in a mad panic - am thinking there was something else on Thursday that needed doing :/

Right now I have a clingy almost 2 year old hanging off my right arm and a 4.5 year old complaining I brought him the wrong rice cakes :/ Guess I'd better start hitting these lists and work on getting things crossed off ;)

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