Monday, June 28, 2010

True Colours...

Today someone I trusted and loved and invited into my family showed their true colours.

This person I supported through hard times, through happy times.

We were together for a short time in the scheme of things.. but I thought I had a true friend.

I was wrong.

I guess if you live with trash long enough you can't help but become trash yourself.

I could only ignore the smell that started to invade the friendship for so long...

She made her choice - to return to the trash heap... I made my choice a little while ago not to delve any further into the dump for any friendships - they just aren't worth the pain of trying to wash off the vermin and scum that they bring with them...

Goodbye "friend". I'm don't regret that I was there to save your life several times, that I didn't do what you asked me to do as it means your children will have a mother with them at least for the moment. I hope you can get things together and sorted - You have beautiful children.. I hope they have a happy and healthy life - emotionally as well as physically. Sometimes I guess growing up and taking responsibility for your decisions, actions and words is one of the hardest things to learn - I hope you get there in time.

Me, I'm going onwards and upwards - Life doesn't revolve around you - someday you will learn that - I hope that day is soon for your sake.


Kathryn said...

Wise words!
Thank goodness I'm not the only one currently going through this, although mine has lasted over 18mths!
I'm just starting to break free.
Well done on doing something I believe can be hard to do!

Peta said...

I agree with Kathryn, letting go is extremly hard....but sometimes essential for our own well being.


Kathie said...

Honey I had a friend that I was really hurt over and our friendship was 5 years old when she showed her true colours and promptely this day I have seen her twice and each time she has refused to acknowledge me at was painful at the time, but I'm so glad now....we sometimes have to make choices in life that seem so harsh and unfair, but sometimes its the "hard love" or difficult times that changes us and makes us the people we are.....take care lovely lady.....
Love Kathie

Kakka said...

More strength to you for making a wise, but hard choice. I hope she grows quickly for her children's sake. xxx

Katrina said...

thanks guys. I've had a long time to come to this conclusion but her actions and words of late have cemented the fact that I could no longer have this person in my life. I'm feeling very relieved and free for this decision and looking back I can see so much clearer what has been happening in the last 18 months since I've had this person in my life. Onwards and upwards!!! That can almost be my motto for my time since moving from Tassie - everything is starting to look a little brighter and I'm so sure of my decisions and where we are going ;)