Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blog This - Challenge 34: If I met my younger self...

What would you tell yourself? Would you give advice? What advice would that be? Ask about your perception of the world? Give us an idea of who you think you were or who you think you'll be in the future...

To be honest I don't think there would be much I'd warn or tell myself about what would happen in the future. My life has lots of twists and turns and dark as well as light times but those are the times and the challenges that make me me.

I'd probably stop myself and ultimately say that you'll get through life ok.

But then there's more that I'd like to say... Mostly for support. My life hasn't been the easiest and if I had that little bit more support I think the depression that overshadowed me in my teens may have been lifted a little... so for that support I'd say:

~ Remember to smile, even if you don't feel much like it, it's amazing how much better wearing a smile can make you feel.

~ Talk to people about what you're experiencing, but find someone you can trust. Don't bottle things up.

~ There is a difference between family and relatives. Those that hurt you need to account for what they have and are doing. Don't be too scared because you're being told they are family... You deserve a chance to be happy and safe....

~ Study isn't everything. Life happens outside of books and figures and facts.

~ Trust yourself. Be true to you, don't live to someone else's life plan.

Ultimately one thing I'd really like to get across to myself would be this lesson that has taken a long time for me to learn and comprehend...

You don't always get answers for what happens - because sometimes the answers are not for you, they were lessons for someone else...

There is no reason to sit and stew on why, where, why fors? etc etc. Life happens. You only get one life. The things that happen can be good, bad indifferent, but whatever happens it isn't for you to always know why. Embrace your life, live it to the fullest and don't worry about the why's etc. Just live it, enjoy it and take things as they come. If something doesn't feel right then trust yourself and your instincts...


Amy xxoo said...

Found you via McLinky on Blog This!
Great post for the challenge - some of the things your saying there i wish someone had told the younger me!

Jen said...

I like your last comment to yourself! so true and something I hadn't heard before.

Danielle said...

What a great post. I think you have hit the nail on the head xx